Organization Directory
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Palm Elementary School
Schools: K-8 Schools | Public Elementary Schools
Most recent 07/15/22 - Out of 610 students in Palm Elementary School, 18.5 percent were in fifth-grade during 2020-2021 school year
Palo Verde Elementary School
Schools: K-8 Schools | Public Elementary Schools
Most recent 07/10/22 - Out of 523 students in Palo Verde Elementary School, 11.9 percent were in fifth-grade during 2020-2021 school year
Palo Verde Union Elementary
Schools: K-8 Schools | Public Elementary Schools
Most recent 10/16/24 - Tulare County Districts: Visalia Unified School District welcomed most students in 2022-23 school year
Pinkham Elementary School
Schools: K-8 Schools | Public Elementary Schools
Most recent 06/21/22 - Out of 498 students in Pinkham Elementary School, 12 percent were in first-grade during 2020-2021 school year
Pioneer Middle School
Schools: K-8 Schools | Public Middle Schools
Most recent 07/07/22 - Out of 767 students in Pioneer Middle School, 39.8 percent were in eighth-grade during 2020-2021 school year
Pixley Elementary School
Schools: K-8 Schools | Public Elementary Schools
Most recent 07/09/22 - Out of 592 students in Pixley Elementary School, 14.2 percent were in first-grade during 2020-2021 school year
Pixley Middle School
Schools: K-8 Schools | Public Elementary Schools
Most recent 07/29/22 - Out of 294 students in Pixley Middle School, 34.4 percent were in seventh-grade during 2020-2021 school year
Pixley Union Elementary
Schools: K-8 Schools | Public Elementary Schools
Most recent 10/16/24 - Tulare County Districts: Visalia Unified School District welcomed most students in 2022-23 school year
Pleasant Elementary School
Schools: K-8 Schools | Public Elementary Schools
Most recent 06/22/22 - Out of 669 students in Pleasant Elementary School, 16 percent were in third-grade during 2020-2021 school year
Pleasant View Elementary School
Schools: K-8 Schools | Public Elementary Schools
Most recent 10/16/24 - Tulare County Districts: Visalia Unified School District welcomed most students in 2022-23 school year